Actually, we are all yearners in that we all long for goals that are within our reach, or that we feel are within reach, or for which we are willing to try, based on our talents, skills, education, and associations, and friends. The media usually spends most of its energies paying attention to the front-row members of society, the ones who have already reached their objectives, and the one who are about to be awarded, relegating the great majority of the rest of us as audiences, as yearners. As second, third, and fourth-tier yearners, we will continue to long for our desires until satisfied, or at some point we adjust our goals, having learned to accept realities that we may have tried to change. Others who control how laws and the policies are made, who shape the practices, and who exert their influence and preference on everyone else will prevail.
That is the world that Herson Moya and his extended family encounter when party leaders are forced to invite him to run for Texas governor in acknowledgment of the fact that the state’s demographics now call for a Latino governor. Initially there is a good amount of excitement, particularly among the Spanish=speaking community who have been waiting for this development, but soon things cool when people begin to consider the prospect and the chances that a Latino candidate for governor of Texas may have, given history and in the wake of Trump.